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 Abs                Determines the absolute value of an argument
 Addr               Returns the address of a specified object
 Append             Opens an existing file for appending
 Arc                Draws a circular arc
 ArcTan             Returns the arctangent of the argument
 Assign             Assigns the name of an file to a file variable
 AssignCrt          Associates a text file with the CRT
 Bar                Draws a rectangular bar on screen
 Bar3D              Draws a 3-D graphics bar on screen
 BlockRead          Reads one or more records into a variable
 BlockWrite         Writes one or more records from a variable
 ChDir              Changes the current directory
 Chr                Returns a character with a specified ordinal number
 Circle             Draws a circle using (X,Y) as the center point
 ClearDevice        Clears the current device and prepares it for output
 ClearViewPort      Clears the current viewport
 Close              Closes an open file
 CloseGraph         Closes down the graphics system
 ClrEOL             Clears from cursor position to the end of the line
 ClrScr             Clears the screen and homes the cursor
 Concat             Concatenates a sequence of strings
 Copy               Returns the substring of a string
 Cos                Returns the cosign of an argument
 CSeg               Returns the current value of the CS register
 Dec                Decrements a variable
 Delay              Delays (waits) for a specified number of milliseconds
 Delete             Deletes a substring from a string
 DelLine            Deletes the line containing the cursor
 DetectGraph        Determines which graphics driver and mode to use
 DiskFree           Returns the number of free bytes on a disk
 DiskSize           Returns the total size in bytes of a disk
 Dispose            Disposes a dynamic variable
 DosExitCode        Returns the exit code of a subprocess
 DosVersion         Returns the DOS version number
 DrawPoly           Draws the outline of a polygon
 DSeg               Returns the current value of the DS register
 Ellipse            Draws an elliptical arc
 EnvCount           Returns the number of strings in the DOS environment
 EnvStr             Returns a specified environment string
 EOF                Return the end of file status of a file
 EOLN               Returns the end of line status of a text file
 Erase              Erases an external file
 Exec               Executes a specified command with specified options
 Exit               Exits immediately from the current code block
 Exp                Returns the exponential of the argument
 Fexpand            Expands a file name to a fully qualified file name
 FilePos            Returns the current file position of a file
 FileSize           Returns the current size of a file
 FillChar           Fills a number of bytes with a specified value
 FillEllipse        Draws a filled ellipse
 FillPoly           Draws a filled polygon
 FindFirst          Returns the first disk entry matching arguments
 FindNext           Returns next disk entry after a call to FindFirst
 FloodFill          Fills a bounded region with the current fill pattern
 Flush              Flushes the buffer of a text file open for output
 Frac               Returns the fractional part of the argument
 FreeMem            Disposes a dynamic variable of a given size
 FSearch            Searches for a file in a list of directories
 FSplit             Splits a filename into its three components
 GetArcCoords       Returns information about the last Arc command
 GetAspectRatio     Returns effective resolution of the graphic screen
 GetBkColor         Returns the value of the current background color
 GetCBreak          Returns the state of the CTRL-Break checking
 GetColor           Returns the current drawing color
 GetDate            Returns the current operating system date
 GetDefaultPalette  Returns the palette definition record
 GetDir             Returns the current directory of the specified drive
 GetDriverName      Returns the name of the current driver
 GetEnv             Returns the value of an environment variable
 GetFAttr           Returns the attributes of a file
 GetFillPattern     Returns the last fill pattern set by SetFillPattern
 GetFillSettings    Returns the current fill pattern and color
 GetFTime           Returns the date and time a file was last written
 GetGraphMode       Returns the current graphics mode
 GetImage           Saves a bit image of the specified area into a buffer
 GetIntVec          Returns the address stored in a specific interrupt vector
 GetLineSettings    Returns the current line style, pattern and thickness
 GetMaxColor        Returns the highest color that can be passed to SetColor
 GetMaxMode         Returns the maximum mode number for the current driver
 GetMaxX            Returns the right-most column of the graphics driver
 GetMaxY            Returns the Bottom-Most row of the graphics driver
 GetMem             Creates a new dynamic variable of a specified size
 GetModeName        Returns the name of the specified graphics mode
 GetModeRange       Returns the range of valid graphic modes for a driver
 GetPalette         Returns the current palette and its size
 GetPaletteSize     Returns the size of the palette color lookup table
 GetPixel           Returns the pixel value (color) at X,Y
 GetTextSettings    Returns the current text font, size, direction, etc.
 GetTime            Returns the current time from the Operating System
 GetVerify          Returns the state of the verify flag in DOS
 GetViewSettings    Returns the current viewport and clipping settings
 GetX               Returns the X coordinate of the current position (CP)
 GetY               Returns the Y coordinate of the current position (CP)
 GotoXY             Positions the cursor at a specified location
 GraphDefaults      Resets the graphics settings
 GraphErrorMsg      Returns a message string for the specified ErrorCode.
 GraphResult        Returns error code for last graphics operation
 Halt               Stops program and returns to operating system
 Hi                 Returns the high-order byte of argument
 HighVideo          Selects high-intensity characters (colors 8..15)
 ImageSize          Returns the number of bytes required to store an image
 Inc                Increments a variable
 InitGraph          Initializes the graphics system
 Insert             Inserts a substring into a string
 InsLine            Inserts an empty line at the cursor position
 InstallUserDriver  Adds a vendor-added device to the BGI driver table
 InstallUserFont    Adds a new font to the BGI system
 Int                Returns the integer part of the argument
 Intr               Executes a specified software interrupt
 IOResult           Returns the status of the last I/O operation
 Keep               Terminates the program and keeps it in memory
 KeyPressed         Checks if a key has been pressed on keyboard
 Length             Returns the length of a string
 Line               Draws a line between two points
 LineRel            Draws a line to a point from the current pointer (CP)
 LineTo             Draws a line from the current pointer to any position
 Ln                 Returns the natural logarithm of the argument
 Lo                 Returns the low-order byte of the argument
 LowVideo           Selects low intensity characters (colors 0..7)
 Mark               Records the state of the heap in a pointer variable
 MaxAvail           Returns the size of the largest free block on the heap
 MemAvail           Returns the sum of all free blocks in the heap
 MkDir              Creates a subdirectory
 Move               Copies a specified number of contiguous bytes
 MoveRel            Moves the current pointer (CP) a relative distance
 MoveTo             Moves the current pointer (CP) to (x,y)
 MsDos              Executes a DOS function call
 New                Creates a dynamic variable and sets a pointer to it
 NormVideo          Selects the text attribute detected at startup
 NoSound            Turns off the internal speaker
 Odd                Indicates if the argument is an odd number
 Ofs                Returns the offset of a specified object
 Ord                Returns the ordinal number of an ordinal-type value
 OutText            Sends a string to the output device at the CP
 OutTextXY          Sends a string to the output device
 OvrClearBuf        Clears the overlay buffer
 OvrGetBuf          Returns the current size of the overlay buffer
 OvrGetRetry        Gets size of the probation area in the overlay buffer
 OvrInit            Initializes the overlay manager; opens overlay file
 OvrInitEMS         Initializes the overlay file into EMS if possible
 OvrSetBuf          Sets the size of the overlay buffer
 OvrSetRetry        Sets size of the probation area in the overlay buffer
 PackTime           Converts a DateTime record
 ParamCount         Returns the number of command line parameters
 ParamStr           Returns a specified command line parameter
 Pi                 Returns the value of Pi
 PieSlice           Draws and fills a pie slice
 Pos                Searches for a substring in a string
 Pred               Returns the predecessor of the argument
 Ptr                Converts a segment/offset address to a pointer value
 PutImage           Places a previously stored graphic image on the screen
 PutPixel           Plots a pixel at (X,Y)
 Random             Generates a random number within a range
 Randomize          Initializes the random number generator
 Read               Reads a file component into a variable
 ReadKey            Reads a character from the keyboard
 ReadLn             Executes the Read procedure and skips to the next line
 Rectangle          Draws a rectangle using the current line style and color
 RegisterBGIdriver  Registers a user-loaded or linked-in BGI driver
 RegisterBGIfont    Registers a user-loaded or linked-in BGI font
 Release            Returns the heap to a given state
 Rename             Renames an external file
 ReSet              Opens an existing file
 RestoreCrtMode     Restores the initial video mode detected by InitGraph
 Rewrite            Creates and opens a new file
 RmDir              Removes an empty subdirectory
 Round              Rounds a real-type value to an integer-type value
 RunError           Stops program execution and generates a Run-Time error
 Sector             Draws and fills an elliptical sector
 Seek               Moves the file pointer to a specified position
 SeekEOF            Returns the end-of-file status of a file
 SeekEOLn           Returns the end-of-line status of a file
 Seg                Returns the segment of a specified object
 SetActivePage      Set the active page for graphics output
 SetAllPalette      Changes all palette colors as specified
 SetAspectRatio     Changes the default aspect ratio
 SetBkColor         Sets the current background color using the palette
 SetCBreak          Sets the state of Ctrl-Break checking in DOS
 SetColor           Sets the current drawing color using the palette
 SetDate            Sets the current date in the operating system
 SetFAttr           Sets the attributes of a file
 SetFillPattern     Selects a user defined fill pattern
 SetFillStyle       Sets the fill pattern and color
 SetFTime           Sets the date and time a file was last written
 SetGraphBufSize    Changes the buffer size for scan and flood fills
 SetGraphMode       Set the systems to a graphics mode
 SetIntVec          Sets a specified interrupt vector to a specified address
 SetLineStyle       Set the current line width and style
 SetPalette         Changes a single palette color
 SetRGBPalette      Changes palette for VGA and IBM-8514 drivers
 SetTextBuf         Assigns an I/O buffer to a text file
 SetTextJustify     Sets the text justification values
 SetTextStyle       Sets the current text font, style and size
 SetTime            Sets the current operating system time
 SetUserCharSize    Sets user values for height and width of "Stroked" fonts
 SetVerify          Sets the state of the verify flag in DOS
 SetViewPort        Sets the current output viewport or window for graphics
 SetVisualPage      Sets the visual graphics page number
 SetWriteMode       Sets the write mode for line drawing
 Sin                Returns the sine of an argument
 SizeOf             Returns the number of bytes occupied by the argument
 Sound              Turns on the internal speaker
 SPtr               Returns the current value of the SP register
 Sqr                Returns the square of the argument
 Sqrt               Returns the square root of an argument
 SSeg               Returns the current value of the SS register
 Str                Converts a numeric value to its string representation
 Succ               Returns the successor of the argument
 Swap               Swaps the high and low order bytes of the argument
 SwapVectors        Swaps interrupt vectors
 TextBackGround     Sets the text background color
 TextColor          Sets the text color
 TextHeight         Returns the height of a string in pixels
 TextMode           Selects a specific text mode
 TextWidth          Returns the width of a string in pixels
 Trunc              Truncates a real-type value to an integer-type value
 Truncate           Truncates the file size at the current file position
 UnpackTime         Converts a packed date/time into a DateTime record
 UpCase             Converts a character to uppercase
 Val                Converts a string value to its numeric representation
 WhereX             Returns the X-coordinate of the cursor position
 WhereY             Returns the Y-coordinate of the cursor position
 Window             Defines a text window on the screen
 Write              Writes one or more values to the output device
 WriteLn            Executes the Write procedure and outputs an EOL marker

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson